
Do I Have to Be an Artist to Be an Architect?

If you’re sitting there wondering if you’re cut out to be an architect because you’re not an artist, then this post is for you.

10 of My Favorite Work From Home Tools

I’m a connoisseur of leisure. I believe the work-from-home model was designed specifically for me—it’s the introvert’s dream. Having mastered the art of home working, I thought it only fair to share my most useful tools with you.

How to Avoid All-Nighters

I’ve written and spoken about how to survive all-nighters, but it’s best if we can avoid them in the first place, right?
All-nighters are very unhealthy for you, especially if you find yourself doing them all the time. Working for hours on end, especially overnight, can cause you to make mistakes in your work, can make you sick, and can be seriously dangerous if you’re working on models with knives and machinery without sleep. Here are my tips on how to avoid all-nighters.

15 Tips for Starting Your Own Design Business

Whether you’re looking to freelance, become a solopreneur, or start a small design business, these tips will help you start off your journey on the right foot. You may want to use this as a checklist or just a guide; either way, these are all tips…

New Channel Direction

I noticed myself starting to make more videos geared toward my personal life outside of architecture. I realize that some of you are only interested in my architecture videos and less interested in my daily life, and some of you are the opposite! I want to be able to give all of you what you want, and cater to both of my audiences, so I'm announcing the start of a new vlogging channel called Chels and Cheese! Watch to see more updates!


RIP Zaha Hadid

This was a very sad day for me.

I talk a lot about the lack of women in architecture. That being said, Zaha Hadid was the most influential woman in the architecture industry for me. She was the one who inspired me to keep going and proved that it was possible for me, as a woman, to be able to be successful in architecture.

This video starts off with sorrow but ends with inspiration. I wanted to end on a high note. I think Zaha would have appreciated being remembered in a brighter light, being remembered for her strength, power, and ability to inspire and impact the lives of millions. 

I am so grateful for her courage and the risks taken by Zaha and the obstacles she overcame so that younger generations could be more accepted in the industry. I feel so lucky to have had her as a role model.



I'm Back!

It's been a long summer.

I took a long break from all of social media and enjoyed life as a regular (non-architecture student) person! This is my first day of classes in my last semester at school and I couldn't be more excited to start the year off!

Good luck with school everyone, I'm happy to be back and can't wait to share more of my experiences with you!


Feeling Stressed, Tired, and Unmotivated

I'm feeling depleted.

I have so much on my plate; it's so overwhelming that I can't narrow in on any one thing. I'm falling into a trap where I can't get myself to start working because I have so much to do and now with my hesitation my workload is piling up even more!

My brain is in shutdown mode.

This reminds me of being overtired where you can be so tired yet you just can't fall asleep...

I really hope this passes soon.


Why I Started My Architecture Channel

Why did I start this channel?

Honestly, I felt like there was a lack of accessible information about studying (and even practicing) architecture when I started architecture school, and I still don't feel like there are enough resources for prospective students. I make these videos in the hopes of providing some guidance for prospective students and to connect those already involved in the industry. Watch below to see more about why I started my YouTube channel!

Gender Roles in Architecture

I enjoy discussing controversial topics, and this video is no exception! As a woman in an industry dominated by men, I wanted to shed some light on some of the complications that can occur in the workplace. Watch below for my perspective on the roles of both men and women in the architecture and design industry.